Objectives |
The large diversity
underlying the content creation process of the Web contributes a lot to the
wealth and value of the Web. This diversity is a consequence of many factors
(e.g., cultural background, opinion) and it has always been largely present
in the Web. However, lately it has been further boosted by the success of
Social Web applications. As a consequence, it has become more and more
difficult to get a balanced view on a given subject using current search
The goal of this
workshop is to discuss and highlight the potentials that are inherent in
diversity and that today are only marginally exploited, as well as the risk
of biasing through the Web. Furthermore, it will discuss research ideas and
results ? especially in the area of semantics but also multimedia and
linguistic technologies - that are relevant for enabling
"Living Web" Technology,
i.e., technology that
more systematically looks into diversity, helps identifying bias and
different viewpoints, and ? in summary -
leverages diversity for
exploiting its full potential to the Web user.
The discussion and
investigation of the topic diversity is of special interest at this point in
time due to three factors:
Technologies that are required for creating effective and efficient
diversity-aware have matured to a status that enables their application
for this challenging task. This refers to the effectiveness of this
technologies in achieving results of sufficient quality to enable deeper
analysis such as looking for bias, diversity and opinion (e.g., NLP and
extraction technology) as well as to the scalability of the technologies (e.g.,
large progress in technologies for semantic data management). These
technologies provide a substantial
for creating diversity-aware
The wide adoption of Social web application and the associated creation of
high volumes of diverse user generated content and content annotation,
produce a wealth of highly diverse content. This wealth makes the creation
of diversity a rewarding
at this point in
At the same time exactly the success of the social web applications as
well as the general democratization of the publication process raise a
growing need
for the technology
that helps in dealing with the partly biased and opinionated content in an
adequate way to deliver adequate information for all kinds of decision
making processes.
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Call for papers |
Goal of the workshop
will also consists in bringing together leaders from academia, industry and
user institutions to assess how academic advances are addressing real-world
requirements. The workshop will strive to improve academic awareness of
industrial and final user needs, and therefore direct research towards those
needs. Simultaneously, the workshop will serve to inform industry and user
representatives about existing research efforts that may meet their
Topics of interest
include but are not
limited to:
- Extraction of semantic information/semantic annotation
- Multimedia annotation
- Opinion mining and management
- Opinion extraction from multidimensional media
- Handling Ontology heterogeneity and ontology mapping
- Context, contextual ontologies
- Diversity aware classification and clustering technology
- Diversity driven information aggregation technologies
- Semantic clustering
- Diversity aware search and semantic search
- Multimedia retrieval
- Event-based multidimensional media management
- Intelligent (information) visualization technology
- Analysis of socials Web data (especially with respect to diversity)
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authors are invited to submit original technical papers of no more than 8
pages in the standard LNCS paper format. Paper should be submitted
electronically in PDF format. Accepted papers will be published in the
workshop proceedings as a volume of CEUR-WS. Prospective authors are
expected to present their papers at the workshop. Selected papers of the
workshop will be published in a special issue of a journal.
Important Dates:
extended to August 23, 2009:
Deadline for the submission
of papers.
September 6, 2009:
Deadline for the
notification of acceptance/rejection.
October 2, 2009:
Workshop camera ready copy
October 26, 2009:
Living Web: Making Web
Diversity a true asset.
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Accepted papers |
the interdisciplinary foundations of diversity
Assessing Content Diversity in Medical Weblogs
Image diversity analysis: context, opinion and bias
Towards Multimedia Opinion Mining
Current Approaches to Search Result Diversification
fair ranking method for image database retrieval
Data mining, interactive semantic structuring, and collaboration: A
diversity-aware method for sense-making in search
Searching Annotated Collections: Example Applications
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Program |
- 8.00:
Welcome to participants
- 8.10:
Invited talk: Fausto Giunchiglia (University of Trento - Italy) "Diversity
as a feature" slides
- 8.50:
Diversity and opinion analysis
Vincenzo Maltese, Fausto Giunchiglia, Kerstin Denecke, Paul Lewis, Cornelia Wallner, Anthony Baldry and Devika Madalli "On the interdisciplinary foundations of diversity"
- Pamela Zontone, Giulia Boato, Francesco De Natale, Alessia De Rosa, Mauro Barni, Alessandro Piva, Jonathon Hare, David Dupplaw and Paul Lewis
"Image diversity analysis: context, opinion and bias"
- Kerstin Denecke
"Assessing Content Diversity in Medical Weblogs"
- Giulia Boato, Valentina Conotter, Francesco G.B. De Natale and Claudio Fontanari
"Towards Multimedia Opinion Mining"
- 10.10: Coffee
- 10.30: Invited
talk: Arjen P. De Vries (Delft University of Technology - The Netherlands) "Diversity in media" slides
- 11.10:
Diversity in media
- Enrico Minack, Gianluca Demartini and Wolfgang Nejdl
"Current Approaches to Search Result Diversification"
- Mathias Verbeke, Bettina Berendt and Siegfried Nijssen
"Data mining, interactive semantic structuring, and collaboration: A diversity-aware method for sense-making in search"
- Luca Costantini, Licia Capodiferro, Marco Carli and Alessandro Neri
"A fair ranking method for image database retrieval"
- Jordi Atserias, Roi Blanco, Michael Matthews and Hugo Zaragoza
"Searching Annotated Collections: Example Applications"
- 12.30: Concluding
- 12.40: Lunch
(included in the registration)
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Organizing Committee:
Giulia Boato (Workshop Co-Chair)
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of
Trento ,
E-mail: boato [at] disi [dot] unitn [dot] it
Claudia Niederee (Workshop Co-Chair)
Research Center,
E-mail: niederee [at] l3s [dot] de
Hugo Zaragoza
Yahoo! Research,
Barcelona, Spain
Fausto Giunchiglia
Department of
Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento , Italy
Wolfgang Nejdl
L3S Research Center
and Knowledge Based System Department, Leibnitz University Hannover,
Sreenivas Gollapudi
Microsoft Search
Labs, Microsoft Research, Silicon Valley, Mountain View, CA, USA
Technical Program Committee:
- Paolo Besana,
University of
Edinburgh, UK
Paolo Bouquet,
University of Trento, Italy
- Harry
Chen, Siri Inc.,
- Francesco G. B.
De Natale,
University of Trento, Italy
- Andrea De Polo,
Alinari 24ore SpA, Italy
- Peter
L3S Research Center,
- Gregory
Exalead, France
- Vasant Honavar,
Iowa State University, USA
- Ramesh Jain,
University of California, Irvine, USA
- Yannis
Kompatsiaris, ITI,
- Paul Lewis,
University of
Southampton, UK
- Vasileios
Mezaris, ITI, Greece
- Alessandro
University of Trento, Italy
- Vanessa Murdock,
Yahoo! Research,
Barcelona, Spain
- Kieron O?Hara,
University of
Southampton, UK
- Daniel
Telefonica R&D, Spain
- Dave Robertson,
University of
Edinburgh, UK
- Nicu Sebe,
University of
Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Pavel Shvaiko,
TasLab, Informatica
Trentina S.p.A., Italy
We appreciate
support from the FP7 FET European Project
Living Knowledge - Facts,
Opinion and Bias in Time.
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